
Explore FundsXML on GitHub

With over 50 million developers working together, GitHub is now the largest collaborative online workspace for software projects in the whole world. GitHub provides a large variety of collaboration features such as bug tracking, feature […]

New Version

Version 4.1.7 released

The FundsXML initiative has published a new version of the FundsXML scheme. The new version 4.1.7 contains additional data fields for the exchange of information on discretionary mandates. The new fields are based on the […]

New Version

New TPT 4.0 Data items integrated

The new version of FundsXML 4.1.3 has integrated all changes and adaptations of the Tripartite Template (TPT) 4.0 of 3 April 2018. There are also some changes in the EMT section. All “indicative” data items […]

New Version

Changes in EMT section

Due to practical experience there was a need in the EMT section to change some items from mandatory to optional. Therefore the FundsXML Working Group Content/Technique by order of the FundsXML Standards Committee has worked […]


Validation of FundsXML files

By enabling interested parties to validate their FundsXML documents we are further simplifying the use of the FundsXML format. The validation process ensures that your FundsXML document respects the rules dictated by the corresponding FundsXML […]