The pan-European format

Aside from its technical advantages and its easy handling, FundsXML is becoming the pan-European format, allowing B2B and B2C activity in the mutual fund sector. The development of this standard was pushed by various companies to integrate numerous working processes in the sector, enclosing the foundation of a fund and the system of registration as well as the electronic data exchange, beyond the borders of companies and countries.

FundsXML is already used in the following countries:

FundsXML is a powerful XML standard format for easy exchange of fund related data between:
  • Asset Managers
  • Clients
  • Distributors
  • Custodians
  • Authorities
  • Vendors
  • Advisors
FundsXML is transporting:
  • Fund Static Data (Name, Identifiers, Type, Manager, Administrator, …)
  • Fund Dynamic Data (Total Net Asset Values, Risk Figures, Break Downs, …)
  • Portfolio Data (Holdings, Transactions, Earnings, …)
  • Share Class Data (ISIN, Type, Net Asset Values, Performance, Subs/Reds, …)
  • Asset Management Company Dynamic Data
  • Asset Master Data (Details of Securities, Derivatives and OTC Instruments)
  • Regulatory Reporting (MiFID II/EMT, EMIR, KIID, PRIIPS/EPT/CEPT, Solvency II/TPT, …)
  • Documents (Factsheet, KIID, Prospectus, Reports, …)
  • Country Specific Data
Advantages in contrast to CSV format:
  • Clear file structure and formatting (number, dates, …)
  • Native support for nested loops, optional fields and sections
  • Definition of fields and tree structure via XML-Schema
  • Built in documentation in multiple languages
  • Automatic validation of file structure and field content against XML-Schema

The organisation administrates the XML patterns with the aim to establish these patterns as a unified standard. For this reason each company and single person shall be allowed to download and use these file formats and the documentations and files going with them from the FundsXML website. This is why decided to put all patterns, files and documentations going with them under the Mozilla Public Licence (MPL).