Due to practical experience there was a need in the EMT section to change some items from mandatory to optional. Therefore the FundsXML Working Group Content/Technique by order of the FundsXML Standards Committee has worked out the new version. The new FundsXML version 4.1.2 is now available for download.
The changes In detail:
For Funds, to switch to optional (as conditional), in the node “CostsAndChargesExAnte”:
– 07020_One-off_cost_Financial_Instrument_entry_cost
– 07030_One-off_cost_Financial_Instrument_maximum_entry_cost_fixed_amount_Italy
– 07040_One-off_cost_Financial_Instrument_maximum_entry_cost_acquired
– 07050_One-off_costs_Financial_Instrument_maximum_exit_cost
– 07060_One-off_costs_Financial_Instrument_maximum_exit_cost_fixed_amount_Italy
– 07070_One-off_costs_Financial_Instrument_maximum_exit_cost_acquired
In addition, the following data fields and the full node “CostsAndChargesExPost” should be switched to optional:
– 08030_Financial_Instrument_Ongoing_costs_ex_post (for Funds and Structured securities, in two node)
– 08050_Financial_Instrument_Management_fee_ex_post (only for funds)
– 08070_Financial_Instrument_Transaction_costs_ex_post
– 08080_Financial_Instrument_Incidental_costs_ex_post