For the first time, the FundsXML initiative organized a FundsXML Get Inside Event on the premises of BVI in Frankfurt am Main. The keynote speaker was Rudolf Siebel the Managing Director of the BVI, who vehemently advocated the crucial role of the standardized FundsXML format for exchanging funds data information within Europe. Once more, the FundsXML initiative was able to present well-known speakers, which had a lively exchange with the audience of around 65 interested persons. The selected speakers consisted of Karl Kauc (Erste Asset Management), Thomas Koop (BVI), Peter Raffelsberger (Amundi Austria) and Fabrice Puziak (KNEIP).
In the presence of numerous guests, the structure of the FundsXML Organization, as well as fundamental features of the format itself, were discussed. It was stressed that in an ever-changing environment, asset managers more than ever require efficient structures to process information and data. This is where the idea of FundsXML as a Europe-wide standardized data format for exchanging fund data comes in. The FundsXML Format facilitates the structured information exchange between investment companies, data vendors, authorities, insurance companies and many more.