Version 4.2.1 released

The FundsXML initiative has published a new version of the FundsXML scheme. The new version 4.2.1 contains new data fields for the exchange of information on the European ESG Template (EET V 1.1), the European Comfort PRIIPs Template (CEPT V 2.0) and the European PRIIPs Template (EPT V 2.1). In addition, the new FundsXML Schema offers extended options for providing information relating to positive amounts and hedging strategies.

Accompanying the newly released FundsXML Version 4.2.1 we are also able to provide you with a list of CEPT V 2.0 fields together with the appropriate xpaths in the FundsXML schema.

The aim of this measure is to facilitate regulatory reporting procedures for FundsXML users.

European MiFID TemplateVersion 4.1October 2023EMT V 4.1
European ESG Template (Field List)Version 1.1.1February 2023EETV1.1.1
Comfort European PRIIPs TemplateVersion 2.0November 2022CEPTV2.0
European ESG Template (Field List)Version 1.1October 2022EETV1.1
European ESG Template (Field List)Version 1.0March 2022EET V 1.0
Tripartite TemplateVersion 6.0March 2022TPT V 6.0
European MiFID TemplateVersion 4.0March 2022EMT V 4.0
European PRIIPs TemplateVersion 2.0February 2022EPT V 2.0
Tripartite TemplateVersion 5.0December 2019TPT
European MiFID TemplateVersion 3.0November 2019EMT
European PRIIPs TemplateVersion 1.1October 2017EPT
Comfort European PRIIPs TemplateVersion 1.1October 2017CEPT